User Guidelines

Bethesda’s Pool User Guidelines

The purpose of this blog is to create spiritual dialogue, through which Godly edification can occur, and true faith and unity may be established among bible believing people everywhere.  The topics of discussions involve examining various aspects of faith, spirituality, and religious practice, that we all tend to care a lot about, and at times will zealously express.

There may be times when we find ourselves discussing various issues that people tend to be very passionate or sensitive about, and that’s okay.  But, in order for true edification to occur and flourish here, we must first commit ourselves to establishing and maintaining the love of God and the unity of the Spirit, in the bonds of peace.

We need to remember that God’s presence here is with us, and that He is aware of what we say and do. Therefore, in order to comment or post here, we all need to adhere to the following User Guidelines:

1.  Strive consistently to edify others, and to create meaningful dialogue in every interaction and discussion you participate in.

2.  Strive consistently to use constructive (not destructive) criticism in your comments and posts to various ideas and opinions expressed here.

3.  Be courteous and considerate of other users during your interactions and discussion on Bethesda’s Pool. Always treat others the way you’d like to be treated.

4.  Refrain from Name Calling, Personal Attacks, or Insults. Comments that we find to be hateful, hostile, or harassing will be removed promptly, and the user banned.

5.  Refrain from Using Profanity
Comments that contain profanity will be automatically deleted upon discovery, and the user also banned. No exceptions.

6.  Stay On-Topic
Don’t post off-topic comments or discussions. Respond to a post’s actual contents, instead of a users tone.

7.  No Self-Promotion/Advertising
A discussion or comment that contains only a link to your blog, a product, or your article on another site will be removed.

8.  Be Original
Comments must be original and may not have been published elsewhere online already.

9.  Don’t Copy and Paste/No Redundancy
If you are not the author of a post, or haven’t properly cited the article you’re quoting, please don’t post it. Do not copy and paste from your blog or someone else’s blog. Also please do not post multiple instances of the same comments, or run-on comments containing vast amounts of information. They will be deleted.

You are now free to post your comments in Christ, and remember, Be Kind, and enjoy the fellowship.

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